
文化大传统对物的发现 被引量:1

Discoveries of Things from Cultural Great Tradition
摘要 与传统的考古学家、历史学家对物的发现不同,文学人类学不仅要发现物,尤其要让物重新回归到历史事件的在场角色,让物以历史之物、文化之物发声。第一,大传统反对以文观物,提倡以物观物,解构了文字之"物"的话语权力,建构了物的文化意义。第二,物以物的方式在场,物化活动将文化意义寄寓于物,物的历史在场决定了物证的有效性与优先性。第三,物的叙事是无言的,需要综合参照历史事件的其他参与者,物才能发出真声,才能解开历史真相。物的叙事,与活态叙事、文字叙事、仪式叙事等,是相辅相成的,共同发声,才能将物的原初密码揭橥出来。第四,真物(物的本真形态)在场,物(物的有形形态)就在场。大传统中,真物的证据效力最大,具有原型编码的文化价值,是一级编码,具有原生性的文化意义。文字书写属于二级编码,具有派生性的文化特征。 Different from discoveries of things by traditional archaeologists and historians those by lit-erary anthropology not only find things but also return things to their on -the-spot roles of historical e-vents in particular, letting historical things and cultural things voice themselves. Firstly, the great tradi-tion objects to viewing things by texts and advocates viewing things by things. It deconstructs discourse power for “things” of characters,and constructs cultural significance for things. Secondly,the ways things are present in materialized activities attach cultural significances on things and the historical pres-ences of things determine the validity and priority of physical evidences. Thirdly the silent narratives of things can voice themselves only after being participated by others who refer comprehensively to historical events,and the historical truth can be revealed. The narratives of things are supplementary to each other with those of active states of characters, and of rites. And only by their joint voices, the original codes of things can be revealed. Fourthly, if the real things (the true forms of the object) are present, things (tan-gible form) will be present. In the great tradition, the evidences of the real things with the most effective power have the cultural value of the prototype coding. And with this first -level coding, they also have the cultural meaning originality. Writing is a second - level coding with derived cultural characteristics.Key words
作者 胡建升
出处 《百色学院学报》 2017年第1期12-19,共8页 JOURNAL OF BAISE UNIVERSITY
基金 上海交通大学文化专项基金项目"大传统与孟子思想"的阶段性成果
关键词 大传统 小传统 文字书写 在场 物的叙事 文化编码 Great Tradition Little Tradition things writing presence material narrative cultural coding
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