Objective To analyze the effecl of painless labor on delivery modes and pregnancy outcome. Methods From January 2015 lo December 2015, 73 cases of puerpera accepled nalural childbirlh before conducling epidural were selecled as lhe conlrol group; from January 2016 lo December 2016, 75 cases of puerpera accepled painless labor were selecled as lhe observalion group. The lrealmenl salisfaclion, cesarean seclion rales, neonalal asphyxia rales and malernal pain levels were compared belween lhe lwo groups. Results The cesarean seclion rale of lhe observalion group was 33.3%, which was lower lhan 56.2% of lhe conlrol group ( P〈0.05); bul lhere wasno significanl difference in neonalal asphyxia rale belween lhe lwo groups ( P〉0.05). The malernal pain level lolal effeclive rale of lhe observalion group was 93.3%, which was higher lhan 78.1% of lhe conlrol group ( P〈0.05). The lrealmenl sanlisfaclion rale in lhe observalion group was 97.3%, which was slighely higher lhan 90.4% in lhe conlrol group ( P〉0.05). Conclusion In lhe process of puerpera childbirlh, using painless labor lechnology can reduce lhe cesarean seclion rale, neonalal asphyxia rale and malernal pain level. Il has remarkable clinical effect, which is worlhy of promolion and applicalion in clinic.
Clinical Research and Practice
painless labor
cesarean seclion
neonalal asphyxia