介绍了供热方上海漕泾电厂1 000 MW超超临界汽轮机各级抽汽的参数、热用户上海漕泾热电公司的蒸汽需求,针对受汽方供热需求增加的实际情况在由冷段和1号抽汽供热的基础上再增加了0号抽汽向外供热的方案,并论述了0号抽汽供热改造的安全性、可行性。通过对比不同负荷工况下的机组性能指标。分析了供热的经济性。经过供热改造后,从性能试验的结果验证了供热改造的经济性。在保证机组的安全性的前提下大大降低了煤耗。供热试运行发现的问题及改进,优化了供热系统,为其它同类型机组的供热改造提供了借鉴经验。
The article introduces all levels steam extraction parameters of 1 000 MW super critical steam turbine unit at heating side Shanghai Caohejing power plant and steam demand of heating customers Shanghai Caohejing cogeneration company. Focused on heating demand increasing at steam-received side, it addes No.0 steam extraction heating solution with cold segment and No.1 steam extraction heating and discusses safety and feasibility of No.0 steam extraction heating renovation. Through unit performance index under different load conditions, it analyzes heating economy. After heating renovation, the results verifies heating renovation economy and reduce coal consumption with safe unit operation. Through commissioning of heating period, problems are put forward and countermeasures are put into practice to optimize heating system and give reference to same type unit heating renovation.
Shanghai Energy Saving
Super Critical, Steam Turbine, Heating