随机数在信息安全领域具有重要作用,而随机数检验是保证随机数有效的重要手段。介绍随机数检验的数学原理,描述频数检验、序列检验、扑克检验、游程检验和自相关检验等五项检验的检验方法,给出了一种五项检验的FPGA实现及优化方法,并用VHDL进行了编码实现。最后,用Modelsim仿真工具进行正确性验证,并在Altera的EP3C10 FPGA中进行性能测试。结果表明,在132 MHz时钟频率下,五项检验达到了118 Mbit/s的实时检验性能。
Random number plays an important role in the field of information security, and random-number test is an important means to ensure the effectiveness of random numbers. The mathematical principle of random number test is introduced, the test methods for five-item tests including frequency test, sequence test, poker test, run length test and autocorrelation test described, and the FPGA implementation and optimization method for five-item test proposed, and the encoding implementation with VHDL is realized. Finally, simulation with Modelsim tool indicates its correctness, and the test in FPGA EP3C10 Altera shows that at 132 MHz clock frequency, the five-item test could reach a real-time test performance of 118 Mbit/s.
Communications Technology