
自制眼罩式冰袋在外眼术后患者护理中的应用 被引量:1

Application of self-made eyeshade-shaped ice bag in nursing care of patients after external ocular surgery
摘要 目的比较自制眼罩式冰袋和传统冰袋在眼科术后患者护理中的应用效果。方法选取74例外眼术后需要冰敷的患者,分为观察组和对照组,各37例。对照组采用传统冰袋,观察组采用自制眼罩式冰袋用于外眼术后冰敷。采用《眼科术后患者护眼罩佩戴调查问卷》评价2组冰袋使用的依从性、方便度、舒适度、固定度、满意度等指标。结果眼罩使用的依从性、方便度、舒适度、固定度、满意度评分方面,观察组患者均高于对照组患者(P<0.05)。结论外眼手术后自制眼罩式冰袋的使用,能够提高眼科患者的舒适度和满意度,达到有效固定,减少护理人员工作量的目的。 Objective To c omp a r e th e e f f e c t of s e l f -ma d e e y e s h a d e - s h a p e d ic e b a g a n d t r a d i -tional ice pack in postoperative care of patients after external ocular surgery. Me74 patients who needed ice compress after eye surgery were divided into observation group andcontrol group,wi th 3 7 c a s e s in ea ch group. The c ont rol group wa s t r e ated wi t t i t r a di t ional ic epack, and the observat ion group was t reated wi th sel f-made eyeshade-shaped ice pack for ice com-press after external eye surgery. To evaluate the patient compliance, c o n v e n i e n c e, c tion, sat isf act ion and other index related to ice pack usage by quest ionnai res. Results T h e s c o rein assessment of patient compliance, c o n v e n i e n c e, c o mf o r t,f ix a t io n a n d s a t is f a c t io n w e r e h ig h e r in the observation group than those of the control group (" 〈 0 . 0 5 ). Conclusion T h e u s e o fself-made eyesl iade-sliaped ice bag after external eye surgery can improve the comtients, and improve pat ient compl iance and sat isf act ion.
出处 《中西医结合护理(中英文)》 2017年第10期99-100,共2页 Journal of Clinical Nursing in Practice
关键词 外眼手术 眼罩式冰袋 固定 舒适度 依从性 e xte rna l ocular sur ger y e y e s h a d e - shaped ice ba g f ix a t io n c o m f o r t c om p l ia n c e
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