
金融分析的制度范式:问题、理论与中国视角 被引量:5

The Institutional Paradigm in Financial Analysis:Problem,Theory and China Perspective
摘要 全球经济重心重新东移特别是中国经济的崛起正在挑战主流经济金融学的至尊地位,使得人们对一种更具解释力的分析范式充满期待。主流学者凭借"无机"哲学观,固执地捍卫着单凭市场之力便可达成均衡的理想境界。未料,货币因素从一开始就撕裂了主流框架,使得几代学者相继充当"裱糊匠",勉强维系了一个排斥货币因素的货币金融分析范式。本文试图依托全新的"有机"哲学基础,通过重新引入货币因素特别是金融权利要素构建货币金融分析的新范式。目前,对于中国经济学家来说,重建金融分析新范式的必要条件(经济崛起)正在具备,但充分条件(哲学基础)的准备则任重道远。本文认为,只有基于人的金融权利和金融行为以及经济主体之间的有机金融联系,金融分析制度范式的建立方能寻找到合理的逻辑起点。对于中国经济学家而言,至为重要的是重新确认"中式"经济金融制度均衡的内在机理与实际绩效。 Shift of the world economic centre to the Orient,especially the rise of China's economy,is posing a challenge to the sacred status of mainstream finance,according to which equilibrium can be achieved through market alone.Unfortunately,this framework was already shattered in an irreversible way the first day when money was introduced. It has been the patching-up work done by economists for generations that has sustained its continuity up to today. To tackle the inherent deficiency of the mainstream theory,with the help of the principle of organic philosophy,I will attempt to construct a brand new paradigm for financial analysis by reintroducing the money factor especially the factor of financial property rights. The paper maintains that a sensible starting point for the reconstruction will not be available unless it is based on the organic connections among financial right,financial behavior and economic entities. For Chinese economists,what is extremely important is to reconsider the internal mechanism of the Chinese-style financial equilibrium and have a clear understanding of its actual performance.
作者 张杰
出处 《金融评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期1-25,共25页 Chinese Review of Financial Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目“中国金融市场体系完善过程中的政府与市场关系研究”(14JJD790040) 国家哲学社会科学成果文库项目“金融分析的制度范式”(16KJY013)专项资金的支持
关键词 分析范式 哲学基础 制度均衡 金融权利 中国视角 Analysis Paradigm Philosophical Basis Institutional Equilibrium Financial Property Rights China Perspective
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