This paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model which includes the credit decision- making process of the commercial bank and analyzes the influence of the central bank's monetary policy on the macro economy through the bank credit friction and Its Enlightenment to the monetary policy. The results show that: (1) the existence of the commercial bank's housing credit friction significantly increases the volatility of monetary policy on the macro variables; (2) In this environment, the monetary policy taking house prices into consideration can effective- ly reduce the volatility of macroeconomic variables and improve social welfare; (3) Under the background of housing market regulation, the monetary policy impact including housing prices can guarantee the economy to long-term equilibrium convergence. Finally, the paper points out that the factors such as housing market risk and other factors in the process of commercial bank credit decision-making are the important guarantee for the sustained and healthy develop- ment of the real estate industry.
Finance & Economics