
“德”字的文化阐释 被引量:2

The Cultural Interpretation of Chinese Character Word of De
摘要 "德"字的形义及其演变显示,其本义应为"道德",现代汉语中主要衍生出"道德"、"德政"、"德教"、"德治"、"德行"、"德育"等词汇。从哲学上看,"德"的本义引申为"客观规律",主要表现为中国哲学思想的人文精神,中国哲学思想从总体上来看就是一种人生哲学,就是讲究人类的德行、德性、德心,以成就有道德的贤明的人即所谓君子;中国哲学史上道家是与儒家相辅相成的主要思想流派,因此儒道两家所谓的"德"就形成了儒道互补的两种不同含义,道家之德追求自然率性,儒家之德讲求修身养性。从伦理学看,"德"、"道德"、"德性"、"德心"、"德行"等概念是人类应该具备的思想品质和行为准则;中国伦理学史以儒家为主导的伦理规范形成了"仁义礼智信"、"礼义廉耻"、"三纲五常"等道德体系,曾经对封建社会的稳态发展起着意识形态的巩固和僵化作用。从美学看,"美善相乐"的中华美学精神铸就了社会美的"以德为先"、自然美的"比德之美"、艺术美的"道德教化"的审美价值取向,在审美教育与道德教育的关系上强调"以美储善"、"兴观群怨"、"温柔敦厚"、人文化成,培养"君子"的理想人格。在治国理政方面,中华民族历来主张"以德治国","修身齐家治国平天下",建设和谐社会,从小康达到大同的理想社会。 The Chinese word of the De and its evolution of the form and meaning are just like its original meaning that should be "moral" in modern Chinese. That is mainly derived from the "moral" and the "moral education", the "rule of virtue", the "moral education" and other words. From a philosophical point of view, the original meaning of the word of "de" extension as the "objective law", mainly for the humanistic ideas of Chinese philosophy thought; from the overall Chinese philosophy it is a philosophy of life, it is to pay attention to the human virtue and moral minde, in order to achieve moral wise, the so-called gentleman; in the history of philosophy of Taoism and that China is the main school and other schools of thought. The Confucianism and the Taoism indicate the so-called "~rwtue" that has formed two different meanings of Confucianism and Taoism. The Taoist pursuits of natural quality, While the Confucianism refers to the word of De that emphasizes self-cultivation. From the ethical point of view, the word of the "moral", "moral the heart" and "Virtue" concept is the ideological quality and the principle of human behavior that should have; China ethics history by Confucian ethics dominated form" the morality which is expressed in Chinese as "Renyilizhixin". The "integrity" of "three cardinal guides" moral system had played the ideology of consolidation and steady development of the rigid role of the feudal society from the aesthetic point of view. "The unity of beauty and goodness of the Chinese aesthetic spirit created social beauty" that is to compare Germany for the first "natural beauty" and "Peter beauty". The artistic beauty of the "moral education" aesthetic value orientation, relationship between aesthetic education and moral education is emphasized in the United States, the "poem's social function", "placid" of human culture, that cultivate ideal personality of "gentleman". In the aspects of governing the country
作者 张玉能 黄卫星 ZHANG Yuneng HUANG Weixing(College of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430079 China Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
出处 《城市学刊》 2017年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Urban Studies
基金 2014年财政部中央文化产业发展专项资金项目(2014-126) 2015年科技部国家科技支撑计划(2015BAK25B00)
关键词 道德 德政 德治 德教 德行 德育 morality morality moral politics rule of virtue moral action moral behavior moral education
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