
我国呼吸学科科室设置现状调查 被引量:3

Survey of current respiratory departments setup in China
摘要 目的了解当前我国呼吸学科科室设置情况及诊疗技术开展状况,发现存在问题,为制定呼吸学科建设发展规划与政策提供依据。方法于2016年5—6月,调查全国3202家医院的呼吸学科科室建制、亚专科建设、科室命名、人员床位配置、基本医疗服务指标、诊疗技术及收治病种等情况。结果77.8%的三级医院和38.8%的二级医院具有独立的呼吸科建制;设立RICU、睡眠门诊和戒烟门诊的三级医院分别占54.4%、21.8%和13.1%;具有独立建制呼吸科的三级医院,呼吸科医护比为1:1.66,二级医院呼吸科医护比为1:1.61;99.8%的三级医院和约95.0%的二级医院可开展有创机械通气、无创机械通气、肺功能检测等诊疗技术。结论各级医院独立呼吸学科和亚专科建制尚不完善;呼吸科室护理人员配置相对不足;三级医院在可开展的诊疗技术和收治病种方面未形成专科优势,分级诊疗格局未能充分体现。 Objective To learn the present setup of respiratory departments as well as development of diagnosis and treatment in China, for reference and policy making of the respiratory specialty development. Methods In May and June 2016, 3 202 hospitals were surveyed, to learn their respiratory department development, development of sub-specialty, naming of departments, staffing ratio of the medical staff to bed, basic indicators for medical services, medical techniques and disease types treated. Results 77.8% of the tertiary hospitals and 38.8% of the secondary hospitals have independent respiratory departments. Among such tertiary hospitals, 54.4% of them have respiratory intensive care units, 21.8% have respiratory & sleep disorder clinics, and 13.1% have smoking cessation clinic. The physician-nurse ratio of respiratory department of such hospitals amounted to 1 : 1.66, while that of secondary hospitals to 1 : 1.61. 99.8% of the tertiary hospitals and about 95.0% of the secondary hospitals are competent of invasive positive pressure ventilation, noninvasive mechanical ventilation, and pulmonary function test among others. Conclusions Rooms of improvement are found in the following areas. Poor respiratory specialty and sub-speciahy construction at such hospitals; insufficient nursing staff; tertiary hospitals have not formed unique advantages in diagnosis and treatment techniques and types of diseases; hierarchical medical system is to be further established.
出处 《中华医院管理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期829-833,共5页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration
基金 国家自然科学基金(L1422025) 中国工程科技中长期发展战略研究项目(2014-zcq-13)
关键词 呼吸学科 科室建制 资源配置 诊疗服务 现状 Respiratory discipline Department development Resource allocation and treatment Current Diagnosis
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