为了保护白洋淀生态环境,合理规划养殖规模与范围,通过夏、冬两季对鸭养殖区及周边水样的采集、测试,结合Suffer软件分析,对白洋淀鸭养殖区水质的时空变化、扩散和消减特征进行研究。结果表明:鸭养殖区水质超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)V类水标准,主要污染物为TN、TP、NH+4-N和COD,质量浓度分别为9.51~14.20、0.92~1.77、7.33~9.06和54.10~83.45 mg/L,夏季污染物浓度显著高于冬季;养殖废水在淀区南部消减效果明显优于北部,这主要是由于南部地区水面开阔,水生植物分布面积广,有利于湖泊的自净作用的发挥。养鸭废水中铜的消减效率最高,夏冬两季的削减效率分别为每km 15.5%±11.0%和14.8%±12.9%,硝酸盐的消减效率最低,夏冬两季分别为每km 8.7%±5.8%和5.0%±4.3%,养鸭废水消减效率与扩散距离呈负相关关系,铜的消减效率随扩散距离的增加下降最快,硝酸盐最慢。
Combined with Suffer software analysis and by collecting and testing water samples in duck breeding area and surrounding water in two seasons of summer and winter, this paper studied the spatial-temporal variations in the water quality in the duck farms and its diffusion & reduction characteristics of the wastewater in Baiyangdian Lake in order to protect the ecological environment of Baiyangdian and reasonably plan the scale and range of duck breeding. The results showed that the water quality of duck breeding area were worse than class V of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard ( GB3838-2002 ) , the main pollutants were total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand; the concentrations of these pollutants were 9. 51 -14. 20 mg/L, 0. 92 -1. 77 mg/L, 7. 33 -9. 06 mg/Land 54. 10 -83.45 mg/L, respectively. And the pollutant concentration in summer was significantly higher than that in winter. The reduction effect of duck farm wastewater in the south of Baiyangdian Lake area is obviously better than that in North, mainly because the southern part of the lake has a wide surface of water and a wide distribution of aquatic plants, which is beneficial for the self purification of the Lake. The reduction efficiency of copper was the highest,15. 5%/km ± 11.0%/km in summer and 14. 8%/km± 12. 9 %/km in winter respectively, and the reduction efficiency of nitrate was the lowest, 8. 7 %/km ± 5. 8 %/km in summer and 5.0% ± 4. 3%/km in winter respectively. The reduction efficiency of main pollutants decreased with the diffusion distance, which means the reduction efficiency of copper decreased fastest with the increase of diffusion distance while the nitrate was the slowest.
Water Resources Protection
中国林业科学研究院林业新技术所基本科研业务费专项(CAFINT 2013K06)
duck farm wastewater
water quality analysis
heavy metal
Baiyangdian Lake