
机械应力诱导HMGB1通过金属基质蛋白酶促进人牙周膜细胞的迁移 被引量:1

HMGB1 induced by mechanical stress promotes the migration of human periodontal ligament cells through regulating matrix metalloproteinases
摘要 目的:探究高迁移率蛋白1(HMGB1)在机械应力诱导的人牙周膜细胞(h PDLCs)迁移中的作用及机制。方法:用Real-time PCR和Western blotting方法检测机械应力(10%形变量、频率0.5 Hz)加载不同时间(0、6、12、24、48 h)对h PDLCs中HMGB1和金属基质蛋白酶2、9(MMP2/9)表达的影响。然后,使用siRNA干扰技术下调HMGB1,并分别用Transwell检测h PDLCs迁移力、Real-time PCR检测MMPs表达、Western blotting检测ERK1/2和p-ERK1/2的表达水平。另外,分别使用1μmol/L MMPs抑制剂Batimastat、50 nmol/L ERK1/2信号通路抑制剂GDC-0994预处理h PDLCs 2 h,然后再加载机械应力24 h,并分别检测细胞迁移或MMPs的表达。结果:h PDLCs经机械应力加载后,其HMGB1、MMP2、MMP9 mRNA和蛋白的表达水平均随着加载时间而逐渐增加,24 h时达到峰值,48 h时呈下降趋势;下调HMGB1能够抑制机械应力诱导的h PDLCs迁移及细胞中MMP2、MMP9和p-ERK1/2的表达;Batimastat能够抑制机械应力诱导的细胞迁移;GDC-0994能够抑制机械应力诱导的MMP2和MMP9的表达。结论:HMGB1介导机械应力诱导的h PDLCs迁移,可能是通过激活ERK1/2信号通路、上调MMPs的表达而发挥作用的。 AIM: To study the role and mechanism of high mobility group box protein 1( HMGB1) in mechanical stress induced the migration of human periodontal ligament cells( h PDLCs). METHODS: The expression of HMGB1 and matrix metalloproteinase 2/9( MMP2/9) was assayed by real-time PCR and western blotting when cells were cultured with mechanism stress with 10% deformation,and 0. 5 Hz sinusoidal wave for 0,6,12,24 and 48 h respectively. Then,HMGB1 expression was downregulated by siRNA,the migration of h PDLCs was examined by transwell,MMPs expression was analyzed by real-time PCR,and the levels of ERK1/2 and p-ERK1/2 were determined by western blotting. Additionally,h PDLCs were pretreated with 1 μmol/L of Batimastat( a MMPs inhibitor) and50 nmol/L of GDC-0994( an ERK1/2 inhibitor) respectively for 2 h and then treated with mechanism stress for24 h,the cell migration and MMPs expression was detected,respectively. RESULTS: The mRNA and protein expression of HMGB1,MMP2 and MMP9 were all increased at 6,12 and 24 h in a time-dependent manner,while reduced at 48 h. Downregulation of HMGB1 inhibited mechanical stress-induced the migration of h PDLCs and the expression of MMP2,MMP9 and p-ERK1/2. Batimastat suppressed h PDLCs migration. The expression of MMP2 and MMP9 induced by mechanical stress was dampened by GDC-0994. CONCLUSION: HMGB1 mediates mechanical stress-induced the migration of h PDLCs,which may be through activating ERK1/2 signaling and upregulating MMPs expression.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2017年第9期499-505,共7页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
关键词 HMGB1 机械应力 人牙周膜细胞 迁移 金属基质蛋白酶 HMGB1 mechanical stress human periodontal ligament cells migration matrix metalloproteinase
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