Objective This p a p e r tr ies to explore th e ap p l ic a t io n value of th e co n c ep t of h umanized man ag emen t in nursin gmanagement. Methods 68 n u rs in g staff from March 2 01 6 to March 2 0 1 7 in e a ch d ep a r tm en t were se le c ted as th e objects and were divided into two groups, the control group adopted routine management, the study group adopted humanized man-agement, and the curative effect of the two groups were compared. Results The in c id e n c e of n ursin g e r ro r and risk events in the s tudy group were obviously lower than the control group, nursing satisfact ion was signif icantly higher than the control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion T he ap p l ic a t io n of h umanized man ag emen t in th e c l in ic a l n ursin g man ag emen t is co n du cive to establ ish a good relat ionship between nurses and pat ients, which can reduce nursing er ror rate, so it is worthy of popular iza-tion and appl icat ion in cl inical practice.
China Health Industry
Clinic al nursin g management
Humanized man ag emen t concept
App lica tio n value