目的 :调查北京市市属医院门诊专科护理服务开展情况及患者的服务需求。方法 :采用自设调查表,对22家北京市市属医院护理部进行门诊专科护理服务开展情况调查。应用关键词检索,调取出院患者病案首页及住院费用信息,确定服务需求量。结果 :共提供55项门诊专科护理服务,其中静脉管路治疗、维护及咨询,伤口造口专科护理和糖尿病健康教育咨询三类占比最高,占63.64%。就诊程序分为医护一体化合作及护士直接提供健康教育咨询两种形式。出诊护士的基本资质以同时具备专科护士、中级及以上职称、从事专科护理工作10年以上三个条件为主,占72.22%,医院取得专科护士资质人数由多至少依次为静脉治疗专业、糖尿病专业和伤口造口专业。门诊专科护理服务出诊天数每周最少0.5天,最多7天,2016年度总体工作量为214 832人次,其中伤口造口专科护理工作量最大,预估测算未来1年内门诊专科护理服务新增诊疗需求76 234人次。结论 :门诊专科护理服务初具规模,患者需求广泛,但尚处于萌芽和探索状态,出诊人员资质和规范要求、工作模式和管理办法、法律法规和政策保障仍须进一步完善。
Objective: To investigate the development and needs of specialized nursing service for outpatients in Beijing municipal hospitals. Methods: a self-designed questionnaire was applied to investigate the specialized nursing service for outpatients in 22 municipal hospitals. Results: A total of 55 specialized nursing services were provided to outpatients. The IV care, ostomy wound care and diabetes health education accounted for 63.64%. Two forms of nursing services were identified: working with the physicians or working independently. About 72.22% of the nurses had the specialized nurse qualification, or intermediate professional titles, or at least 10 years work experiences. The number of visits was between 0.5 days to 7 days each week. The overall visits were 214 832 in 2016, and in the next year, 76 234 new vists would be added. Conclusion: The specialized nursing services are becoming very demanding for outpatients. It is expected to improve the qualification requirements of the nurses, complete the standards of services, and establish the regulations for the specialised nursing services.
Chinese Nursing Management
outpatient service specialized nursing specialized nurse patient demand