为测定碱性锌酸盐镀锌液中辅助光亮剂苄基吡啶鎓-3-羧酸盐(BPC)的浓度,采用紫外分光光度法,确定了锌酸盐镀锌辅助光亮剂BPC的最大紫外吸收波长,探讨了光亮剂聚胺、氢氧化钠浓度对测定的影响。结果表明:光亮剂聚胺、氢氧化钠浓度对测定的影响较小。在BPC浓度为1~10 mg/L的条件下,测定相对误差在2%以内。由实际电镀过程分析得知,BPC的消耗量为0.45 g/(k A·h)。该方法简便、准确、快速,可作为锌酸盐镀锌液中辅助光亮剂BPC的检测方法。
To determine the concentration of benzylpyridinium-3-carboxylate (BPC), which was an auxiliary brightener in alkaline zincate gal- vanizing, uhraviolet spectrophotometry was used in this work. The maximum ultraviolet absorption wavelength of the zincate galvanizing auxilia- ry brightener BPC was determined and the effects of brightener polyamine and sodium hydroxide at different concentrations on the measurement were studied. Results showed that polyamine and sodium hydroxide had little effect on the measurement. The relative error of the determination was within 2% when the concentration of BPC was 1-10 mg/L. Based on the consumption of BPC (0.45 g/(kA · h) ) in the actual electropla- ting process, it was proved that the method was simple, accurate and fast, and suitable for the measurement of auxiliary brightener BPC in zincate galvanizing solution.
Materials Protection