基于廊坊市夏季近地面O_3体积分数及其前体物VOCs和NO_x体积分数数据,结合气温、风速风向、总云量和太阳辐射强度等气象资料,分析了O_3体积分数的日变化规律以及气象因素对其的影响;利用VOCs/NO_x比值法和EKMA曲线法分析了O_3的生成敏感性.结果表明:(1)廊坊市夏季O_3生成速率及其体积分数与太阳辐射强度为显著正相关,皮尔森相关系数r分别为0.61和0.48,其中O_3生成速率和太阳辐射强度都在12:00左右达到峰值,而O_3体积分数在16:00达到峰值,滞后太阳辐射强度峰值4 h;(2)O_3生成速率及其体积分数与气温呈正相关,皮尔森相关系数分别为0.44和0.68;与总云量呈负相关,皮尔森相关系数分别为-0.24和-0.45;(3)风向为偏西风、偏南风或东南风时,廊坊市夏季O_3体积分数易出现高值;(4)廊坊市夏季整体处于VOCs控制区,O_3体积分数的最优控制措施为短期内优先削减VOCs,中长期协同减排NO_x和VOCs.
The diurnal variations in ozone concentrations in the summer were studied using the temperature,wind speed and direction,total cloud cover,and solar radiation intensity data collected in Langfang,China. The ratio of volatile organic compounds to nitrogen oxides( VOCs/NOx) and the EKMA curve were studied to analyze the sensitivity of ozone formation. The results showed that:(1) The ozone generation rate and ozone concentrations were positively correlated with the solar radiation intensity with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0. 61 and 0. 48,respectively. Both the ozone generation rate and the solar radiation intensity reached their peak at about12: 00,while the ozone concentration reached its peak at about 16: 00,which lagged behind the peak of the solar radiation intensity by4 h.(2) The correlation coefficient between the ozone generation rate and the temperature was 0. 44,between the ozone concentration and temperature was 0. 68. The ozone generation rate and ozone concentrations were inversely correlated with total cloud cover with correlation coefficients of-0. 24 and-0. 45,respectively.(3) The ozone concentrations in Langfang were high when the winds were from the west,south,or southeast.(4) The ozone concentrations in Langfang were more sensitive to VOCs than to NOx; thus,they can be reduced efficiently by controlling the VOCs emissions.
Environmental Science