The cause of the loss of inheritance is not only a legal condition for the deprivation of the right ofinheritance of an unlawful or unlawful act. The gains and losses of the relevant legacy rights originallyenjoyed by other survivors of property other than the legal successor should also be directly affected. This isbecause the heirs who are eligible to inherit the inheritance of the successor's inheritance in the form ofidentity or other rights and even non-heirs are substantially the same as the inheritance rights of the legalsuccessor. Therefore, when other inheritors have the right to inherit the inheritance of the inheritance, theright to inherit the corresponding estate interests from the heir, such as special leave, must be retained,discretionary share of inheritance and bequest are divided, as appropriate, should also be treated with thesame effect as the loss of inheritance rights, which is the course of the loss of inheritance.
Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute