
开放数据平台的接口服务研究及应用探讨 被引量:10

Interface Services and Applications of Open Data Platform
摘要 【目的】分析我国地方政府各开放数据平台接口服务同国际发展趋势的差距,探讨提升互操作性的途径。【应用背景】"十三五"期间,我国将建设国家政府数据统一开放平台,推动各级政府数据的开放共享与深度利用,对开放数据接口服务有着广泛的需求。【方法】在介绍国际上主要的开放数据平台和W3C API最佳实践基础上,分析我国开放数据平台接口服务的主要不足。引进开放数据协议OData,给出开放标准化API服务的关键步骤。【结果】通过搭建OData服务、发布说明文档和附加机器可读的元数据,为遵循国际通用的最佳实践打下基础。【结论】我国在提供接口服务时,需要借鉴先进经验,采纳国际标准是提升互操作水平的关键。 [Objective] This paper aims to find out the differences between the interface services of governmental open data platform in China and developing trends around the world. [Context] During the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, China will build a national open data platform to promote the sharing and in-depth utilization of data at all levels, which demands huge amount of interface services. [Methods] We analyzed the major issues facing the open data platform interface services in China, based on the popular international open data platforms and the W3C API best practices. We also introduced the open data protocol OData to discuss key steps for launching standardized API services. [Results] Building OData services, issuing documentation and machine-readable metadata could help our API services follow best practices. [Conclusions] Adopting internationally accepted standards could improve user experience of interface services in China.
作者 翁丹玉 翟军 袁长峰 林岩 Weng Danyu Zhai Jun Yuan Changfeng Lin Yan(Transportation Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China)
出处 《数据分析与知识发现》 CSSCI CSCD 2017年第8期92-99,共8页 Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"支持协同创作的社会化媒体知识集成研究"(项目编号:71571025) 国家自然科学基金项目"油储系统火灾事故应急过程本质安全的风险源分析方法研究"(项目编号:51404052)的研究成果之一
关键词 开放政府数据 开放数据平台 API 接口服务 OData Open Government Data Open Data Platform Application Programming Interface(API) Interface Service Open Data Protocol(OData)
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