针对上海电网2起电缆出线同型号无间隙110 kV复合外套金属氧化锌避雷器(MOA)发生烧毁和爆炸故障进行了分析。通过外观检查、电气诊断性试验和解剖分析,并结合跳闸时刻天气及电网运行工况等因素,判定MOA故障由内部受潮引发。受潮原因主要为:(1)上下法兰端部抽气孔存在密封缺陷,导致运行期间潮气进入;(2)抽真空灌注硅凝胶工艺存在缺陷,易造成贯通性气隙,潮气进入后使内部电阻片芯组单元受潮。此外,还存在硅橡胶复合护套与环氧绝缘筒粘合不紧密现象。由于该型号6支MOA中2支发生烧毁和爆炸故障,剩余4支中仅1支符合运行要求,按照相关部门下发报送缺陷设备信息的要求,该型号MOA作为家族性缺陷报送。
In this paper, fault analysis is done for the explosion of two cable outlet 110 kV composite bushing metal oxide arresters (MOAs)with no gap and the same type occurred in Shanghai Power Grid. By visual inspection, electrical diagnostic test and anatomical analysis, and combined with the factors such as the weather at the fault time and under the operating conditions, the MOA faults are caused by internal damp. Internal damp during the operation causes are as follows: 1)the end air seals of the upper and lower flange exists defects; 2) the process of silicon gel by penetrating causes defects to form the air gap. In addition, there is a phe nomenon that the silicone rubber composite sheath is not tightly bonded with the epoxy cylinder. For two of the six MOAs burned and exploded during the operation, only one meets the operational requirements under the electrical diagnostic tests of the remaining four MOAs, the familial defects of this type MOA are submitted in accordance with the relevant departments.
High Voltage Apparatus