模拟项目在河谷复杂地形与山地复杂地形建设,并采用30 m×30 m精度地形数据和90 m×90 m精度地形数据使用AERMOD分别计算卫生防护距离,卫生防护距离为根据AERMOD模拟出的污染物扩散浓度,测量达到相关标准限值的最远距离得到。计算结果确定地形复杂程度和地形数据精度对卫生防护距离计算有较大影响,在山地地形中卫生防护距离计算结果比河谷地形小,河谷地形应采用90 m×90 m精度地形数据计算卫生防护距离,山地地形应采用30 m×30 m精度地形数据计算。
This paper simulates a project constructing in complex terrain of valley and mountain, and use AERMOD to calcu- late health protecting distance in 30 m × 30 m terrain data and 90 m × 90 m terrain data. The health protecting distance comes from the concentration of contaminant diffusion and the farthest distance that meet the relevant standard. The results shows that the terrain complexity and the precision of terrain data have a big influence in the calculating of health protection distance, health pro- tection distance in valley is bigger than in mountain regardless of terrain data; we should take the 90 m ×90 m terrain data to cal- culate health protection distance in valley, and take the 30 m×30 m terrain data in mountain.
Environmental Science and Management