Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It replaces the traditional plowshare with spiral drill, and its tilth depth is twice deeper than that by tractor tilthing. It also extends soil nutrient, moisture, oxygen and microorganism, the so-called "Four pools". Soil nutrient, oxygen, microorganism, light and rainfall use ratio is increased by 10%-100%, creating a platform for natural increase of more than 10% of crop yield. Its application to over 20 kinds of crops in 21 provinces has proved that the yield increases 10-30% with quality enhancing 5% and double water retaining capacity but no more input. When the application area of Fenlong could reach 67 million hm2, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40-50 billion kg, saving 120-150 billion Yuan. In this paper, we put forward the strategy of "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City + rivers) green development in China, and deepened the Fenlong cultivated tilled layer from 16.5 cm to 35 cm for 67 million hm2 arable land, ridged 13.3 million hm2 of saline-alkali soil for 35 cm, and also 35 cm for 67 million hm2 degraded steppe, which could have the following 3 effects: first, the 147 million hm2 of land with Fenlong cultivation could increase loosing soil to 315.491 billion m3, in* creasing by 159.26% for 120 million hm2 of arable land with the average tilled layer of 16.5 cm, which has loosing soil of only 198.1 billion m3, that is, the space of the land increases 1.6 times. Second, every hectare of plowland could store up to 450 m3/hm2 of natural rainfall, and the unused 60 m3 of saline-alkali soil and grasslands could store water of 102 billion m3, showing an increase of over 88.89% for the current plowland storage of 54 billion m3 at now, that is, double the natural rainfall storage capacity. Third, t
广西农业科学院研发的粉垄农耕新方法——粉垄绿色生态农业技术(粉垄技术),已入选农业部主推技术;它利用"螺旋型钻头"替代传统"犁头",耕作深度2倍于拖拉机耕作,扩建耕地养分、水分、氧气、微生物等"四库",10%-100%增量利用土壤养分、氧气、微生物及太阳光能、天然降水等"天地资源",创建了作物自然增产10%以上规律平台,21省20多种作物应用证明非增投入增产10%-30%、品质提升5%、保水量增加1倍。如0.67亿hm^2耕地应用,每年可减少化肥使用量400亿-500亿kg、节本1 200亿-1 500亿元。提出中国实施粉垄"4+1"(耕地、盐碱地、草原、海绵城市+江河水体)绿色发展战略,将耕地0.67亿hm^2松土耕层由16.5 cm粉垄加深到35 cm,盐碱地0.133亿hm^2粉垄35 cm,退化草原0.67亿hm^2粉垄35 cm,可产生3大效应:(1)粉垄涉1.47亿hm^2共可增加松土达3 154.91亿m^3,比现1.2亿hm^2耕地耕层平均16.5 cm松土1 981亿立方增加159.26%,即国土土地立体空间扩增了1.6倍;(2)按耕地每公顷每年增贮天然降水450m^3,尚未利用盐碱地、草原贮水900 m^3,可贮存水资源1 020亿m^3,比现耕地贮藏540亿m^3增加88.89%,即陆地增留的天然降水近1倍;(3)可带来资源活化、环境净化、食物安全、国民健康和催生经济、生态、社会效益数万亿元、中华民族永续息息向前等绿色持续发展。作"大科学研究"和"一带一路"应用推广,在世界可贡献中国力量。