国内的压力容器规程和标准规定氢气无缝容器的抗拉强度上限不得超过880 MPa,而欧美标准及ISO标准中通常以945~950 MPa为界限,抗拉强度超过此界限的氢气容器须满足附加的要求。通过对中外氢气容器相关标准和气瓶的对比,分析了中外标准的差异及对气瓶充装量的影响,通过对19世纪70年代高强钢氢脆早期研究的介绍及其最新研究进展的简短回顾,分析了抗拉强度上限880 MPa的由来和历史局限性,为今后国内高强钢氢脆研究和相关标准的制修订提出了建议。
The Chinese pressure vessel regulations and standards require that ultimate tensile strength( UTS) of seamless hydrogen pressure vessels should not exceed 880 MPa,while the U. S,European and ISO counterpart standards specify a tensile strength boundary of 945 ~ 950 MPa. If UTS exceed this boundary,hydrogen pressure vessels that should meet additional requirement. Differences between the Chinese and foreign standards are analysed as well as the influence on charging rate of seamless cylinders through the comparison of related standards and cylinders. The origin and limitations of UTS 880 MPa are also analysed through the introduction of early research in 1970 s on hydrogen embrittlement( HE) of high-strength steels and a brief review of its recent studies. Some suggestions are proposed for future HE research on high-strength steels in China and formulation/revision of related Chinese regulations and standards.
Pressure Vessel Technology
seamless hydrogen pressure vessel
hydrogen embrittlement
ultimate tensile strength(UTS)