The liver dominates dispersion and can disperse the qi movement of the whole body. Liver disease often involves other organs. In the early stage of tympanites,it is usually liver qi depression leading to excess. The spleen and stomach transport and transform water dampness. The descent and ascent of qi movement of spleen and stomach depend on the dispersion of liver qi. Depressed liver qi couldn't disperse but restricts in turn,leading to failure of spleen to transport and water dampness failing to transport and transform but stays in the abdomen and becomes tympanites. The formation of tympanites is closely related to the physical function,physical feature and pathological changes of the liver. The treatment of tympanites from the aspect of liver is based on the influence of dispersion of liver on qi,blood,water,viscera and emotions as well as the close relationship between tympanites and viscera,qi,blood and water. Clinically,the method of regulating the liver is applied to harmonize the visceral function and smooth the flow of qi,blood and water,thus making qi,blood and water in human body return to harmonious state and realize the objective of the treatment of this disease. In the early stage of tympanites,liver depression and spleen depression,qi stagnation and dampness obstruction should be treated by dispersing liver qi,strengthening spleen and removing dampness. In the the middle and late stage of tympanites,liver depression,blood stasis and water retention should be treated by dispersing liver,activating blood flow,resolving blood stasis and promoting diuresis; yin deficiency of liver and kidney and water retention should be treated by softening liver,nourishing kidney and yin and promoting diuresis; qi and yang deficiency of the liver and water retention should be treated by tonifying liver qi,warming liver yang. For the selection of theory,strategies,formulas and medicinals in the syndrome differentiation and treatment of tympanites,regulation of the liver should be attached great importance.
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
treatment from the aspect of liver
dispersing liver qi
strengthening spleen and removing dampness
dispersing liver and activating blood flow
resolving blood stasis and promoting diuresis
softening liver
nourishing kidney
tonifying liver qi
warming liver yang