
臌胀从肝论治 被引量:2

Tympanites Treated from the Aspect of the Liver
摘要 肝主疏泄,能疏通畅达一身之气机。肝气为病,多易波及他脏。臌胀之初多肝气郁滞,郁则盛,脾胃主运化水湿,但脾胃气机的升降必借助肝气的疏达始能调和不病,今肝气不和不能正常疏达反来克伐,则脾失健运,水湿难以运化而停滞腹中形成胀满。臌胀的形成与肝的生理功能、生理特性以及病理变化密切相关。臌胀从肝论治是根据肝的升达疏泄作用对气、血、水、脏腑以及情志的影响作用和臌胀与脏腑、气、血、水的密切关系而确定的。临床上通过调肝的方法使脏腑功能调和,气、血、水调畅,进而使人体气血恢复调和的状态,从而达到治疗本病的目的。臌胀早期肝郁脾虚,气滞湿阻,宜疏肝理气,健脾祛湿;臌胀中晚期肝郁血瘀水停,宜疏肝活血,化瘀利水;臌胀中晚期肝肾阴虚水停,宜柔肝滋肾,养阴利水;臌胀中晚期肝气阳虚水停,宜补肝气,温肝阳。臌胀无论从病因、病机还是辨证施治中的理法方药选择上,均应注重调肝。 The liver dominates dispersion and can disperse the qi movement of the whole body. Liver disease often involves other organs. In the early stage of tympanites,it is usually liver qi depression leading to excess. The spleen and stomach transport and transform water dampness. The descent and ascent of qi movement of spleen and stomach depend on the dispersion of liver qi. Depressed liver qi couldn't disperse but restricts in turn,leading to failure of spleen to transport and water dampness failing to transport and transform but stays in the abdomen and becomes tympanites. The formation of tympanites is closely related to the physical function,physical feature and pathological changes of the liver. The treatment of tympanites from the aspect of liver is based on the influence of dispersion of liver on qi,blood,water,viscera and emotions as well as the close relationship between tympanites and viscera,qi,blood and water. Clinically,the method of regulating the liver is applied to harmonize the visceral function and smooth the flow of qi,blood and water,thus making qi,blood and water in human body return to harmonious state and realize the objective of the treatment of this disease. In the early stage of tympanites,liver depression and spleen depression,qi stagnation and dampness obstruction should be treated by dispersing liver qi,strengthening spleen and removing dampness. In the the middle and late stage of tympanites,liver depression,blood stasis and water retention should be treated by dispersing liver,activating blood flow,resolving blood stasis and promoting diuresis; yin deficiency of liver and kidney and water retention should be treated by softening liver,nourishing kidney and yin and promoting diuresis; qi and yang deficiency of the liver and water retention should be treated by tonifying liver qi,warming liver yang. For the selection of theory,strategies,formulas and medicinals in the syndrome differentiation and treatment of tympanites,regulation of the liver should be attached great importance.
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《河南中医》 2017年第9期1507-1509,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 臌胀 从肝论治 疏肝理气 健脾祛湿 疏肝活血 化瘀利水 柔肝滋肾 养阴利水 补肝气 温肝阳 tympanites treatment from the aspect of liver dispersing liver qi strengthening spleen and removing dampness dispersing liver and activating blood flow resolving blood stasis and promoting diuresis softening liver nourishing kidney tonifying liver qi warming liver yang
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