周围神经病教学涉及的解剖知识复杂,疾病种类多,辅助检查专业性强,是神经病学教学中的难点。为了促进医学生们对该部分内容的理解掌握,本次在教学中尝试引入多模式教学,包括多媒体辅助教学,以问题为基础的教学法(problem-based learning,PBL)和以病例为基础的教学法(case-based learning,CBL)。多媒体辅助教学通过计算机多媒体技术,将抽象的解剖、电生理、病理改变形象化,并使学生形成临床、电生理、病理相结合的思维模式。PBL与CBL教学模式则是讨论式教学,学生在教师的引导和协助下,分别以问题、临床病例为核心展开讨论学习;不仅能提高学生们的学习主动性,并能使其将理论结合实践,形成正确的临床思维模式。多模式教学的引用不仅完成了教学目标,而且提高了教学质量。
The teaching of peripheral neuropathy involves complex anatomical knowledge,a diversity of diseases,and assistant examinations with strong specialties.It is a difficult point on neurology teaching.In order to promote the medical students to understand the content of this section,we try to introduce multi-mode teaching,including multimedia-assisted teaching,problem-based learning(PBL) and case-based learning(CBL).Multimedia-assisted teaching can visualize the anatomical knowledge,electrophysiological and pathological changes by using computer multimedia technology,then make the students form a pattern of thinking,which combines clinical,electrophysiological and pathological information.PBL and CBL teaching mode is discussion-based teaching modes,in which the focus of the discussions are questions and clinical cases,respectively.The discussions are with the teachers' guidance and assistance.These two teaching modes can improve the students' learning initiative,and promote the students to combine theories with practices and form the correct patterns of clinical thinking.Multi-mode teaching help us not only achieve the teaching objectives,but also improve the quality of teaching.
China Continuing Medical Education