以广东滨海城市珠海横琴岛的园林植物为研究对象,选取16种园林绿化植物分析其叶片养分含量和土壤养分含量。结果表明,植物叶片的N、P、K含量分别为9.79~31.63 g/kg、1.25~3.23 g/kg和5.25~22.58g/kg;植物土壤的pH为6.04~8.15,有机质含量为3.86~21.63 g/kg。植物土壤的全N、全P、全K、速效N、速效P和速效K含量通常存在显著差异。土壤总体质量不高,有机质和氮含量普遍偏低,轻度缺磷,但是不缺钾。将植物的叶片养分指标进行聚类分析可分为五类,第一类有裂叶春羽、黄金榕、花叶良姜、花叶鸭脚木、米兰、银纹沿阶草、马樱丹、假连翘和朱蕉,第二类有虎尾兰、印度榕和红背桂,第三类有翠芦莉,第四类有大红花和黄婵,第五类有朱缨花,总体来看,叶片养分含量由高到低为第一类>第三类和第四类>第二类和第五类;对植物土壤养分指标进行聚类分析可分为五类,第一类有裂叶春羽、黄金榕、假连翘、大红花、朱蕉、虎尾兰、红背桂、翠芦莉、银纹沿阶草、马樱丹和印度榕,第二类有黄蝉,第三类有朱缨花和米兰,第四类有花叶鸭脚木,第五类有花叶良姜,其土壤肥力排序为第四类植物>第二类植物>第五类植物>第一类植物>第三类植物。
In this study, the nutrient content of leaves and soil of sixteen garden plants were analyzed in Hengqin of Zhuhai of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Results showed that the contents of N, P and K in plant leaves ranged from 9.79-31.63, 1.25-3.23 and 5.25-22.58 g/kg, respectively; soil pH ranged from 6.04 to 8.15, soil organic matter ranged from 3.86 to 21.63g/kg. Generally, there were significant differences in total N, total P, total K and available N, available P and available K contents among plant soils. The overall soil fertility was poor with low organic matter and N contents, and P content was slightly low, whereas K content was medium. The plants were grouped using cluster analysis: the plants were divided into five categories according to their leaf nutrient content, the first kind included Phildendron sellomn, Ficus microcarpa 'GoldenLeaves' , Scheffiera odorata 'Variegata' , Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata' , Aglaia odorata, Ophiopogon intermedius 'Argenteo-marginatus' , Lantana camara, Duranta repens, and Cordyline fruticosa, the second kind included Sansevieria trifasciata, Ficus elastic and Excoecaria cochinchinensis, Ruellia tuberosa belonged to the third, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Allamanda schottii belong to the fourth, Calliandra haematocephala belong to the fifth class. Generally, the leaf nutrient content decreased in the order of the first kind 〉 the third kind and the forth kind 〉 the second kind and the fifth kind; the soil nutrient indexes were grouped using duster analysis, soils under the plants were divided into five categories, the first category included P. sellomn, E microcarpa 'Golden Leaves' , D. repens, H. rosa-sinensis, C. fruticosa, S. trifasciata, E. cochinchinensis, R. tuberosa, O. intermedius 'Argenteo-marginatus' , L. camara and F. elastica, A. schottii belonged to the second category, the third category included C. haematocephala and A. odorata, and S. odorata 'Variegata' and A. zerumbet 'Variegata' belonged to the fourth class and the fif
Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
coastal plants
leaf nutrient
soil nutrient
cluster analysis