目的 探讨宫颈癌放疗负压真空气垫(真空袋)和Orfit全身泡沫体位固定器(Orfit架)固定方法对摆位误差影响。方法 选取40例接受3DRT的宫颈癌患者,按随机法均分为真空袋组和Orfit架组,每次治疗前(按照CT模拟扫描做好准备)做CBCT扫描,分析体位误差,纠正后开始治疗。计量资料行配对t检验;计数资料行χ2检验。结果 对 Orfit架前12次治疗(Orfit-1) 、后13次治疗(Orfit-2),真空袋前12次治疗(真-1)、后13次治疗(真-2)的4组数据分析显示,Orfit-1和Orfit-2在y轴方向不同(P=0.003);真-1和真-2在r轴方向不同(P=0.013);Orfit-1和真-1摆位误差在4个轴方向均相近(P〉0.05);Orfit-2和真-2的摆位误差在y、z轴方向均不同(P=0.007、P=0.001)。结论 Orfit架和真空袋两种宫颈癌固定方法各有利弊,可通过使用长真空袋、超声膀胱容量测量、IGRT和分段制定计划等方法改善摆位误差。
Objective To compare the setup errors of the negative pressure vacuum air cushion(vacuum bag) and the Orfit body foam fixator (Orfit frame) in radiotherapy for cervical cancer. Methods A total of 40 patients receiving three-dimensional radiotherapy for cervical cancer were enrolled in this study and equally and randomly divided into vacuum bag group and Orfit frame group. And the two groups were divided into Orfit-1 group, Orfit-2 group, vacuum-1 group, and vacuum-2 group according to the treatment course. The Orfit-1 group and vacuum-1 group were the data in the first 12 treatments, while the Orfit-2 group and vacuum-2 group were the data in the following 13 treatments. A cone-beam computed tomography scan was performed before each treatment to analyze setup error and then the body position was corrected to start the treatment. Comparison of continuous data between groups was made by paired t-test, while comparison of categorical data was made by chi-square test. Results There was a significant difference in the setup error in y-axis direction between the Orfit-1 group and the Orfit-2 group (P=0.003) and the setup error in r-axis direction between the vacuum-1 group and the vacuum-2 group (P=0.013). There were no significant differences in the setup errors in four directions (x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, and r-axis) between the Orfit-1 group and the vacuum-1 group (P〉0.05). There were significant differences in the setup errors in y-axis and z-axis directions between the Orfit-2 group and the vacuum-2 group (P=0.007;P=0.001). Conclusions The Orfit frame and the vacuum bag have their own advantages and disadvantages in the fixation of body position in radiotherapy for cervical cancer. The setup error can be improved by long vacuum bags, ultrasound bladder capacity scanner, image-guided radiotherapy, or sectional radiotherapy plan.
Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology
Fixation technique
Set up error
Cervical neoplasms/radiotherapy