本研究以系统功能语言学理论为路向,以评价理论之"态度系统"子理论为框架,借助SPSS 22.0对60篇英汉语篇态度资源的分布特征及实现手段进行对比。结果显示:在宏观层面,中英态度资源的分布无显著性差异,而实现手段达到显著性差异;在微观层面,中英情感资源的分布及实现手段均无显著性差异;中英判定资源的分布存在显著性差异,而实现手段未达到显著性差异;中英鉴赏资源的分布及实现手段均有显著性差异。本文结合语篇特点及语言特性等对以上结果做了解释。
The study employs 30 Chinese and 30 English forewords of academic monographs as its data and makes a contrastive analysis of these treatises based upon the Attitude of Appraisal system ( Martin & Rose 2003 ) within SFL by using SPSS 22.0, investigating the resource types and realizations of Attitude. The major findings are as follows: ( 1 ) At the macro level, there is no significant difference in resource types; instead, a significant difference in realizations is found between the two groups; ( 2 ) At the micro level, there is no significant difference in resource types and realizations of Affect; there is significant differ- ence in resource types, but no significant difference in realizations of Judgment; there is significant difference in both the re- source types and the realizations of Appreciation. The results are explained multi-dimensionally by taking account of the genre- based knowledge and linguistic features within the two academic discourse communities.
Foreign Language Education