IgG4相关性疾病(IgG4-related disease,IgG4-RD)是累及多器官或组织的慢性进行性自身免疫性疾病,其病理为受累脏器被淋巴细胞和IgG4阳性的浆细胞浸润,肺部表现多样。本文报道了一例以咳嗽、气短起病的IgG4-RD,有肺、纵膈淋巴结、左颌下淋巴结、腹膜后、脾门、胃粘膜、皮肤受累,其肺野内病变表现为弥漫微结节,激素治疗后完全消失。
IgG4 -related disease (IgG4-RD) is a chronic autoimmune disease implicating multiple organs and tissues. Its pathological characteristics are infiltration of lymphocytes and IgG4 -positive plasma cells in the implicated organs. Pulmonary involvement reportedly varies. Here we reported a case of IgG4 -RD with the onset of cough and dyspnea,presenting with multiple lesions. The pulmonary involvement was manifested as diffuse nod-ules in lungs that dissolved after glucocorticoid therapy.
Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital