At present, the internationalization degree of international terrorism was unprecedented in terrorism history, and these international groups also have unprecedented international mobilization capacity. But there is a puzzle in these phenomena, why different terrorism groups belong to same type terrorism have different international mobilization capability, such as Al-Qaeda and Islamic State. This paper tries to answer this puzzle and argues that the international mobilization capability of terrorism groups influenced by their group entitativity. With regard to group entitativity, naming whether the group has clear group boundary, whether it has consistent member inclusion standard, whether it has strict and shared strategic aims, whether it has distinctive group characters, and so on. When different terrorism groups belong to the same kind of terrorism, these terrorism groups which have higher group entitativity also have stronger international mobilization capacity. Comparing to AI-Qaeda, Islamic State has higher group entitativity, so the latter has stronger international mobilization capacity. Of course, although the group entitativity of terrorism group heavily impacts their mobilization capacity, it can't determine the development trends and survival prospects of terrorism groups, because these trends and prospects influenced by a lot of exogenous factors, such as external attacks, etc.
Journal of Social Sciences