
经皮穿刺椎体后凸成形术治疗骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折32例研究 被引量:1

Percutaneous Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Report of 32 Cases
摘要 目的研究在骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折治疗中经皮穿刺椎体后凸成形术的应用效果。方法将2012年1月—2016年12月在本院接受治疗的32例骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折患者作为研究对象,均接受经皮穿刺椎体后凸成形术治疗。观察术中球囊破裂、术后骨水泥外渗发生情况及后凸Cobb角、椎体前缘高度、伤椎前缘压缩率、疼痛评分改善情况。结果术中未发生球囊破裂,术后1例(3.13%)出现骨水泥外渗,术后2天、1个月及3个月的后凸Cobb角、椎体前缘高度、伤椎前缘压缩率以及疼痛评分均优于术前且改善明显(P<0.05)。结论在骨质疏松性椎体压缩性骨折治疗中应用经皮穿刺椎体后凸成形术效果令人满意。 Objective To investigate the effect of percutaneous kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Methods 32 patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures treated in our hospital from January 2012 to December 2016 were treated with percutaneous kyphoplasty. The rupture of the balloon, the incidence of bone cement extravasation, the kyphosis cobb angle, the height of the anterior vertebral body, the compression rate of the leading edge of the injured vertebra and the improvement of the pain score were observed. Results No intraoperative balloon rupture, 1 case after surgery(3.13%) bone cement leakage, two days, one month and three months after operation, the convex cobb angle, vertebral height, vertebral compression rate and pain scores were better than preoperative and improved significantly(P〈0.05). Conclusion The effectiveness of percutaneous kyphoplasty in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures is satisfactory.
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2017年第18期84-86,共3页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 骨质疏松 椎体压缩 骨折 经皮穿刺椎体后凸成形术 osteoporosis vertebral compression fracture percutaneous kyphoplasty
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