The Dragon Boat Festival is a festival image emerging repeatedly in the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasty. The Description about the dragon boat festival of the novels of the Ming and Qing dynas- ty has great value in folklore, it has important literary - demonstrative - function too. The authors of the no- vels of the Ming and Qing dynasty tell us that the dragon boat festival is regarded as an important festival by people of the time by describing it. In the Ming and Qing dynasty, the dragon boat festival is an important holiday on which people interact, such as presenting gifts and fessting. The bright entertainment of the drag- on boat festival are reflected in the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasty, such as dragon - boat race. The customs of Exorcism on dragon boat festival, such as inserting the tarragon, wearing cords used at Dragon Boat Festival, drinking calamus wine and so on, emerged largely in the novels of the Ming and Qing dynas- ty. The Description about the dragon boat festival of the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasty sometimes acts as a node of character - fate, sometimes acts as opportunities of relationships of the characters and their evolution. Sometimes it brings distinct rhythm to the novel' s plot.
the novels of the Ming and Qing dynasty
the dragon boat festival
literature value