急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)与肝功能异常之间的关系问题是一个全新的临床课题,现有的研究结果暗示:AP易累及肝脏,肝功能受损也可影响胰腺.AP与肝功能异常之间可能存在着一定的互为"因-果"的关系.本文检索和分析了近十年来有关AP与肝功能异常之间关系的文献报道,从AP与肝功能异常的概念、AP诱发的肝功能异常及其机制、肝功能异常诱发的胰腺炎及其机制、胰腺炎与肝功能损伤之间的相互关系及临床意义等方面进行了综述,期望能够为对临床预防和治疗"AP"或"肝功能异常"提供新的思考,并为探索"AP"或"肝功能异常"的病理机制提供新的研究方向.
The relationship between acute pancreatitis(AP) and liver dysfunction is a new clinicaltopic, and the existing findings suggest that AP can affect the liver, and liver dysfunction can also affect the pancreas. There may be a reciprocal "cause-effect" relationship between AP and liver dysfunction. The aim of this paper is to retrieve and analyze the literature,published in the past ten years, which studied the relationship between AP and liver dysfunction. We focus on the definitions of AP and liver dysfunction, AP induced liver dysfunction and its mechanism, liver dysfunction induced AP and its mechanism,the relationship between AP and liver dysfunction and their clinical significance. We hope to provide some new insights into the clinical prevention and treatment of "AP" or"liver dysfunction", and into the clarification of the pathological mechanism of "AP" or "liver dysfunction".
World Chinese Journal of Digestology
Acute pancreatitis
Liver dysfunction
"Cause-effect" relationship