目的观察剖宫产术中采用芬太尼复合小剂量布比卡因腰麻的临床效果。方法选取2015年1—6月择期行剖宫产术的单胎足月产妇60例,随机均分成两组:A组腰麻用药为芬太尼20μg复合布比卡因7.5 mg;B组腰麻用药为传统的布比卡因12 mg。记录两组产妇麻醉前(T1)、麻醉后3 min(T2)、10 min(T3)、15 min(T4)、30 min(T5)、手术结束时(T6)的血压和心率的变化;观察麻醉效果、不良反应、新生儿1、5 min Apgar评分。结果 A组T2-T6时的MAP分别为(87±8)、(87±8)、(86±9)、(87±7)、(89±8)mm Hg,B组T2-T6时的MAP分别为(68±9)、(69±8)、(71±8)、(73±9)、(76±9)mm Hg,A组在T2-T6时在MAP的表现上优于A组(P〈0.05);A组低血压1例,寒颤2例,B组低血压10例,寒颤12例,A组发生率低于B,组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论芬太尼复合小剂量布比卡因腰麻行剖宫产术可维持血流动力学稳定。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of fentanyl combined with small dose of bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia in cesarean section. Methods From January 2015 to June 2015, chooses 60 cases of cesarean section were randomly divided into two groups, two groups were by drug of lumbar anesthesia, the A group was anesthetized by 20 μg fentanyl combined with bupivacaine 7.5 mg.the B group was anesthetized by bupivacaine 12 mg. The changes of blood pressure and heart rate at the time of before anesthesia(T1), 3 min(T2), 10 min(T3), 15 min(T4), 30 min(T5), and at the end of surgery(T6) were recorded in two groups, and the effect of anesthesia, adverse reaction, 1min and 5 min Apgar score were recorded. Results The MAP of A group in T2~T6 were(87±8)、(87±8)、(86±9)、(87±7)、(89±8)mm Hg,the MAP of B group in T2~T6 were(68±9)、(69±8)、(71±8)、(73±9)、(76±9)mm Hg,The MAP of A group was superior to the B group(P < 0.05);Group A 1 cases of hypotension, 2 cases of shivering,Group B 10 cases of hypotension, 12 cases of shivering,the incidence rate of A group was lower than that of group B(P < 0.05). Conclusion Fentanyl combined with small dose of bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia for cesarean section can maintain hemodynamic stability.
Systems Medicine
Spinal anesthesia
Cesarean section