[Objective] To investigate the clinical olltcomes of Kirschner wire and double Endobutton plates by arthros- copy in the treatment of acute aeromioelavieular joint dislocation. [Method] From June 2012 to Deeember 2016, 42 patients with Rockwood ]]I-V acute acromioclavieular dislocation were enrolled in the Affiliated Lianyungang Hospital of Xuzhou Medi- cal University. Of them, 22 patients who underwent arthroseopic treatment with Kirschner wire and double Endobutton plates were termed as group A. while the other 20 patients who underwent arthroseopie trcatment with double Endobutton plates named group B. Patients did functional exercises under doctors' guidance "after operation (1, 3, 6, 9, 12 weeks and 6, 12 months after operation), and then were follew-up every year.The patient's follow-up final pain score (VAS score), the Constant-Murley score, the ASES score, the eoracoelavicular distance, and the acromioclavicular distance were count- ed. [ Results ] All 42 patients were followed up for an average of 16.4 months (3 to 36 months) .The duration of operation in group A was longer than that in group B, but the recovery time of gronp A was shorter than that of group B. The Constant-Mur- ley score and ASES score in group A were higher than those in group B. The coraeoelavicular distance and the aeromioclavicu- lar distance in group A were shorter than those in group B (P〈0.05) . [Conclusionl The treatment of acute acromioelavicu- lar joint dislocation with Kir^chner wire and double Endobutton plates by arthroscopy is more satisfactory than that of double En- dobutton plates.
Ll Xiao-Jei XIE Wen-fin SHENG Lu-xin et al(Department of Orthopedics, the Af~liated Lianyungang Hospi- tal of Xazhou Medical University, Lianyungang 222002, jiangsu, Chin)
Orthopedic Journal of China