
耦合腔阵列与Λ-型三能级原子非局域耦合系统中单光子的传输特性研究 被引量:3

Single photon transport properties in the system of coupled cavity array nonlocally coupled to a Λ-type three-level atom
摘要 讨论了理想和非理想情况下耦合腔阵列中两个最邻近的腔与Λ-型三能级原子非局域耦合系统中单光子的传输特性.运用准玻色子方法,精确地解出了开放系统中单光子的透射率.Λ-型三能级原子与耦合腔阵列非局域耦合系统具有更多的优点,如:该系统比其他系统调控光子传输特性的可调控参数更多;单光子在该系统中传输的透射谱有三个透射峰.此外,该系统还具有自身的特点,当拉比频率?取值给定之后,改变原子与其中一个腔的耦合强度时,光子的透射谱有一个透射率始终为1的定点,该点对应的光子频率为ω_c-?.在非理想情况下,系统耗散对光子的透射谱有着很大的影响.当只考虑原子耗散时,耗散使得光子透射谱的谷值增大,而峰值不变;当只考虑腔场耗散时,光子透射谱的峰值减小,而谷值不变.另外,随着腔场耗散率和腔的个数的增多,光子透射谱的峰值逐渐减小,但谷值始终不变.对比原子耗散和腔场耗散的情况可以发现,原子耗散使得光子不能被完全反射,而腔场耗散使得光子不能被完全透射.当同时考虑原子和腔场耗散时,光子透射谱谷值的大小不但会受原子耗散率大小的影响,也受腔场耗散率大小的影响,随着腔场耗散率的增大,谷值反而减小;而光子透射谱的峰值始终只受腔场耗散率大小和腔的个数的影响,与原子耗散率取值的大小无关. In this paper, we discuss the transport properties of a single photon, which is in a coupled cavity array system where the two nearest cavities nonlocally couple to a A-type three-level atom, under the condition of ideal and dissipation, respectively. By employing the quasi-boson picture, the transmission amplitude of the single photon in an open system is investigated analytically. The system where the coupled cavity array nonlocally couples with the three-level atom demonstrates several advantages. Compared with other systems, this system has many parameters to manipulate the single photon transport properties. Moreover, the system of the coupled cavity array that nonlocally couples with the three-level atom may have a wider range of application because the single photon transmission spectrum in this system has three peaks. Fhrthermore, it has characteristics of its own. At the same value of Rabi frequency ~2, changing the coupling strength between the atom and one cavity of the coupled cavity array shows that there exists an fixed point where the transmission rate is.always 1, and the point is corresponding to the frequency of the photon w~ - f2. In the nonideal case, it is shown that the dissipations of the cavity and the atom affect distinctively the transmission of photons in the coupled cavity arrays. When considering only the dissipation of the atom, the atomic dissipation increases the dips of the single photon transport spectrum, while the peaks have no observable changes. When considering only the dissipation of the cavity, the peaks of the single photon transmission amplitude are diminished deeply, while the cavity dissipation does not have any effect on the dips. In addition, with both the cavity dissipation rate and the number of the cavity increasing, the photon transmission spectrum peaks decrease. A comparison of the dissipative cavity case with the dissipative atom case shows that the incomplete reflect near the peak is mostly caused by the cavity dissipation, and that the incomplete reflect nea
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第15期132-139,共8页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家民委科研基金(批准号:14BFZ013) 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11647009)资助的课题~~
关键词 耦合腔阵列 三能级原子 非局域耦合 coupled cavity array, three-level atom, nonlocally coupling
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