随着互联网在当今社会的广泛应用,用户之间信息传递的安全性和保密性显得尤为重要。VPN(Virtual Private Network)作为一种比较安全的信息传递方式越来越多地被使用,VPN主要用来在不安全的网络环境中建立独立的安全隧道来进行数据传输与通信,而IPSec则是对在隧道之中传输的信息进行加密和解密,保证信息的安全性和完整性。主要研究将IPSec应用于VPN技术之中,使得信息传输的安全性和保密性能够得到更好地保证。
VPN is mainly deployed in insecure network environment,as a bid to establish a separate security tunnel for data-transmission and-communication.In doing so,IPSec is mainly used to en-and-decrypt the information transferred in the tunnel,so as to ensure the information security and integrity.This paper mainly studies the application of IPSec to VPN,in a bid to insure security and confidentiality of information in transmission.
Industrial Control Computer