
20世纪前期中国文艺美学对西方的影响 被引量:1

The Influence of Chinese Literary Aesthetics over the Western Countries in the Early 1900s
摘要 20世纪前期是中西文化急剧碰撞和交融的特殊时代。伴随着"西学东渐"的滚滚大潮,一度沉寂的古老东方文化亦曾再漾涟漪而掀起西进的热潮,中国哲学和文学艺术作为中国文化的重要组成部分和具象表现以空前规模进入西方世界,汇聚成"中学西传"的另一向道。该历史风景的形成具有深刻的文化背景。19世纪下半叶以降,西方科技理性的高度发展带来了社会异化的空前精神危机,20世纪初在所谓西方"衰落"的阴影下,西方知识界再次掉头东顾,试图从东方这"世外桃源"中觅寻拯救西方文明危机之良方。基于文化重塑之精神需求,西方对中国的文化接受带有浓烈的文化过滤倾向,他们所看重的是为其所需并能为其所用之处,主要是中国的道家美学、古典诗歌与中国艺术中的"写意"观念。当时西方对中国文化的过滤和利用,本质上体现了他们对中国文化艺术审美价值的追求,中国文艺美学成为西方现代性精神的重要组成部分,其影响意义有三:一是为西方呈示了一种借以克服其文明危机的文化精神;二是推动了西方文艺美学观念由"写实"向"写意"的现代转型;三是中国古诗与诗学传统对英美意象派新诗的形成性影响。20世纪前期西方对中国的文化接受,是出于"他者"相异性的诱惑和吸引,他们追寻作为"他者"的中国文化和美学精神,正是另一种返观自身、找寻自我的方式,其根本坐标在于其自身文化发展的深层追求。 The early 1900s witnessed the clashes and merges of Chinese and western cultures. Along with the western learning spreading to the East, the once silent eastern culture was also prosperous in spreading to the West, for example, Chinese philosophy, literature and fine arts. Since the late 1800s, the fast development of science and technology in western countries has brought unprecedented spiritual crisis to then society, and scholars endeavored to find measures from Chinese culture to save their countries out of crisis. Considering the spiritual demands of cultural reconstrnction, western countries shew strong tendencies of filtering in their accepting of Chinese culture. Western countries put emphasis on the advantages of impressionistic concept in Taoist aesthetics, classical poems and Chinese arts. The utilization and filtering reflect the aesthetic pursuit of Chinese culture and arts by western countries. Chinese literary aesthetics becomes an indispensable part of modern Western spirits, which has profound influences in the following three aspects. Firstly, it has displayed the cultural spirits with which the Westerners can surpass their crisis in civilization. Secondly, it has promoted the modern transition from realism to impressionism in the Western literary aesthetics. Thirdly, ancient Chinese poems have had great influences on the formation of imagist poetry in the Western countries. The cultural acceptance by the Western countries was activated by the temptation and attraction of others, and their pursuit of Chinese cultural and aesthetic spirits were inspired by their pursuit of the development of their own cultures.
作者 邵志华 SHAO Zhi-hua(School of Liberal Arts, Nantong University, Nantong 226019, China)
机构地区 南通大学文学院
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期70-77,共8页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13BZW017) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大项目(16JZD030)
关键词 中学西传 文化过滤 中国文化艺术 他者 Chinese learning spreading to the West cultural filtering Chinese culture and arts others
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