为揭示大风日数的时空演变规律及其对沙尘天气的影响,更好地防御和减轻风沙灾害。笔者利用1971—2010年河西走廊东部4个气象站大风、沙尘暴、扬沙观测资料,采用气候统计学方法,对河西走廊东部大风日数时空演变及与沙尘暴和扬沙日数的关系进行分析。结果表明:近40年河西走廊东部年大风日数以10.77 d/10 a的速率显著减少;四季年大风日数亦均呈显著减少,递减率夏季最大,冬季最小;年、季节大风日数随年代增加呈减少趋势;大风日数春季最多,秋季最少,4月最多,9月最少。大风日数的空间分布与海拔高度、地形地貌有很大关系,高海拔山区大风日数最多,北部荒漠区以及浅山区较多,绿洲平原区最少。近40年河西走廊东部年沙尘暴和扬沙日数均显著减少。年大风日数与年沙尘暴和扬沙日数呈极显著正相关,其相关系数分别为0.878和0.888;大风日数随时间的变化对沙尘日数随时间的变化具有显著正作用,大风日数的减少可能是沙尘日数减少的主要原因之一。
To reveal the spatial-temporal evolution of gale days and its effect on sand-dust weather, andmitigate the wind and sand disasters, based on the data of gale, sandstorm and blowing sand from 4meteorological stations in east of Hexi corridor from 1971 to 2010, the spatial-temporal evolution of gale daysand the relationships between gale days and sandstorm, blowing sand days were analyzed. The results showedthat: the annual gale days decreased significantly with a rate of 10.77 d/10 a in east of Hexi corridor in recent40 years, so were the seasonal gale days and the decline rate was the largest in summer and was the smallest inwinter; the annual and seasonal gale days showed a decreasing trend with the increase of age; the gale days wasthe most in spring and was the least in autumn, and the maximum occurred in April and the minimum appearedin September; the spatial distribution of gale days was related to altitude and topography, the gale days werethe most in high altitude mountain, more in northern desert area and shallow mountain area, and the least inoasis plain; the annual sandstorm and blowing sand days decreased significantly in east of Hexi corridor inrecent 40 years; the annual sandstorm and blowing sand days had significantly positive correlations withannual gale days, and the correlation coefficients were 0.878 and 0.888 respectively; the variation of gale dayshad a remarkably positive effect on the variation of sand-dust days with time, and the decrease of gale days might be one of the main reasons for the decrease of sand-dust days.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
gale days
spatial-temporal evolution
sand-dust weather
correlation analysis
east of Hexi corridor