目的从人口和地域面积角度评价厦门市疾控机构免疫规划人力资源配置公平性。方法采用基尼系数测量厦门市级及区级疾控机构的免疫规划人力资源的公平性。结果厦门市区级疾控机构共有免疫规划工作人员16人;每万名7周岁以下儿童拥有免疫规划人员数为0.27人,湖里区最多,为0.38人,海沧区最少,为0.14人;按地域面积计算,厦门市疾控机构免疫规划人员为0.01人/km^2,湖里区人员密度最大,为0.08人/km^2,同安区人员密度最小,不足0.01人;按照7岁以下儿童分布的公平性基尼系数是0.046 3,除中专学历的基尼系数为0.558 6,其它基尼系数均在0.4以下;按照地域面积分布的公平性基尼系数是0.409 7,本科及以上、大专学历、中级、无职称、<35岁的5个基尼系数均超过0.4,表示分布不均匀。结论厦门市区级疾控机构免疫规划人力资源存在着人员不足、地域性分布极不均衡、职称结构不合理、年龄断档问题,可通过扩充人员队伍、加强业务能力培训、均衡城乡人员分配等措施进行解决。
Objective To evaluate the status and equity of human resource allocation of expanded program on immunization in disease control and prevention institutions according to the demography and geography in Xiamen. Methods Gini coefficient was used to analyze the equity of human resource of expanded program on immunization in disease control and prevention institutions of Xiamen. Results There were 16 staffs of expanded program on immunization in disease control and prevention institutions of Xiamen. The expanded program on immunization workers per 10 000 children under the age of 7 were 0.27 in Xiamen, with a maximum of 0.38 in Huli District and at least 0.14 in Haicang district respectively. According to regional area, the staff of Immunization Program in Xiamen was at 0.01 people per square kilometer. Huli district had the largest density of 0.08 people, with a minimum density of less than 0. 01 people in Tong,an District. Huli District was more than 8 times as that in Tong, an District.The Gini coefficient by children under the age of 7 and technical secondary school degree were 0.046 3 and 0.558 6 respectively, while the rest of the Gini coefficient were under 0.4. The Gini coefficient was 0.409 7 in local acreage, while the five gini coefficient by bachelor degree or above, college degree, intermediate, no title, under the age of 35 were over 0.4, which indicated uneven distribution. Conclusion There was a lack of staff, extremely uneven regional distribution, unreasonable professional title structure, age shortage problem of human resources of expanded program on immunization in disease control and prevention institutions of Xiamen, through the expansion of personnel, strengthen operational capacity training, balanced urban and rural personnel allocation and other measures to solve above-mentioned problems.
Journal Of Community Medicine
Expanded program on immunization
Human resources