重庆巫山玉米洞遗址发现于2004年,目前发掘深度已超过4m,出土了大量的石制品和哺乳动物化石。出土哺乳动物化石中,小哺乳类全部为现生种类,大哺乳类以中-晚更新世的大熊猫-剑齿象动物群为主,亦有Homotherium sp. 和Choerolophodon sp. 等少见种类。通过对大哺乳动物的分析,显示其年代为中更新世晚期至全新世。玉米洞的地层以角砾和粘土的交互沉积为主,代表了多次的气候冷暖变化。将哺乳动物群与地层分析相结合,判断玉米洞堆积的年代对应于MIS 8~1,约为距今30万年以来。由此,玉米洞的地层可为华南喀斯特洞穴遗址的地质年代、地层对比提供参考。另一方面,在玉米洞进行动物考古学研究还可能为认识现代人类行为的起源提供新的证据。
Yumidong cave(30°50'44.4"N, 109°38'09.2"E; elevation of the cave entrance is 1100m)is an important Paleolithic site, located at Wushan County, Chongqing Municipality. A great number of chipped stone artifacts and mammalian fossils have been excavated from this site during the past several years. In this paper, the mammalian fossils were roughly observed and correlated with the stratigraphic succession to discuss the age of the site.
The number of identified fossils from this site is more than 3000, mainly the Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna of South China, containing Euroscaptor longirestris, Parascaptor leucurus, Anourosorex squamipes, Sorex sp., Soriculus leucops, Soriculus sp., Blarinella quadraticauda, Chodsigoa salenskii, Scaptonyx fusicaudus, Rhinolophus pearsoni, Myotis sp., Callosciurus erythraeus, Belomys pearsoni, Trogopterus xanthipes, Pteromys volans, Petaurista xanthotis, Tscheskia triton, Eothenomys custos, Eothenomys sp., Typhlomys cinereus, Rhizomys sinensis, Hystrix brachyura subcristata, Hystrix magna, Atherurus macrourus, Apodemus latronum, Vernaya fulva, Niviventer andersoni, Niviventer confucianus, Niviventer excelsior, Niviventer sp., Rattus norvegicus, Macaca sp., Stegodon orientalis, Elephas maximus, Choerolophodon sp., Proboscidea indet., Cuon alpinus, Cuon antiquus, Canidae indet., Ursus thibetanus, Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi, Arctonyx collaris, Paguma larvata, Crocuta crocuta ultima, Homotherium sp., Panthera tigris, Lynx lynx, Equus sp., Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, Megatapirus augustus, Sus scrofa, Cervus unicolor, Cervus sp., Muntiacus muntjak margae, Capricornis sumatraensis, Naemorhedus goral, Bibos gaurus grangeri. This assemblage shows the age of site is late Middle to Late Pleistocene.
The section of Yumidong cave is mainly of the alternation between breccia and clay, indicating several times of climate changes. Combined with the mammalian fauna, the age of deposit in Yumidong cave should be corresponded to MIS 8~1, about 300ka to present.
Additionally, the zooar
Quaternary Sciences
Yumidong cave, Mid-Late Pleistocene, mammalian fauna, zooarchaeology