The Tieluzi fault zone within the eastern Qinling Mountains is near east and west tend towards,it has a long evolvement history.The second terrace of the Luohe river(belong to the Yellow River system)which formed at the late Pleistocene,have been offsetted by the Tieluzi fault.Some gullies which belong to the Yangtse River system have developed on the second terrace.This gullies across the Tieluzi fault take place a sinistral displacement of synchronization.The authors measured the displacement for the gullies,and obtain a series of fault dislocation values.The gullies that formed about 0.1Ma before present have sinistral displacement about 125m,and the velocity is 1.25mm/a.In the basement rock mountains range,some gullies which is 3.0~3.5km in length have 750m sinistral displacement by the Tieluzi fault,and other gullies which is 2km in length take place 250~300m sinistral displacement.In the eastern Qinling Mountains,Shengdan fault is also an active left-strike slip fault,they sinistral slip rate is about 1.0mm/a.The rate for all strike slip fault system in the eastern Qinling Mountains is about 2.25~4.75mm/a.This rate value reveals the velocity difference for the North China block and the South China block in the late Quaternary Period.
Earthquake Research in China