
新生代海归创业难的归因与对策 被引量:9

Attribution Analysis of Entrepreneurial Bugs of the New-Generation Overseas Returnees and Strategies
摘要 在"归国留学人员低龄化"与"大众创新、万众创业"的双重背景中,通过对湖南省1200名新生代海归的问卷调查,采取描述性统计与回归分析相结合的方法,对新生代海归创业难的主要原困及解决之策进行了分析。描述性统计分析发现,新生代海归创业者多,就业者少,但创业者中超过78%的人创业过程面临较大困难;回归分析则发现,性别与专业等个体特质、创业准备不足、创业资源匮乏尤其是社会资本缺少、留创政策不完善且缺乏普惠性是新生代海归创业"落地难"、"发芽难"、"扎根难"与"结果难"的主要原因。为了充分促进新生代海归顺利创业,我国应建立新生代海归人才引进使用的"旋转门"制度,创建新生代海归创业优惠政策,加强新生代海归创业载体建设与融资力度。 With China's rapid economic and social development and the increasing internationalization of higher education,the number of students studying abroad and returning after graduation keeps growing. In recent years,most of the returned students were born in the 1980 s or 90 s,who obtained a bachelor degree or master degree at public expense or their own expense,i. e. so-called ‘overseas returnees of the new generation'. They are not only international-minded,but also skilled at the international advanced technology and business management,belonging to a typical ‘intelligence intensive group '. However,under the wave of massive entrepreneurship and innovation,they are having difficulties starting their business.This paper first presents a new analysis framework,in which entrepreneurial process is divides into four stages: seeding( pre-entrepreneurship),budding( early entrepreneurship),rooting( mid-entrepreneurship)and fruiting( mature entrepreneurship). Then,adopting descriptive statistics and regression analysis based on the questionnaire survey of 1200 new generation overseas returnees in Hunan,it conducts an attribution analysis of the difficulties facing the overseas returnees of the new generation from four aspects including individual traits,entrepreneurial resources,entrepreneurial preparation and retention policy environment.The descriptive statistics shows that,in the 1200 new generation overseas returnees,320( 26. 5%) chose to be employed,528( 44. 1%) chose to start a business,and 280( 23. 5%) have employment and entrepreneurial experience. In short,there are more entrepreneurs than employees among the new generation overseas returnees. However,more than 78% entrepreneurs of the new generation overseas returnees face serious difficulties,and there are great variations in the entrepreneurial bugs. For example,the item Your business is a massive layoffs has the lowest score,only 1. 54 points; and the item The costs of your product or service continue to rise has the highest points,i. e. 4. 28 points. Regr
作者 钟云华
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期52-60 118,共10页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金青年课题(教育学)"社会资本视域下贫困大学生就业质量提升研究"(CIA140191)
关键词 新生代海归 创业 创业资源 留创政策 new generation overseas returnees entrepreneurship resources retention policy
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