[目的]分析青海省共和盆地塔拉滩光伏发电基地风沙灾害现状,并探讨风沙灾害的成因,提出相应的防治对策。[方法]利用徕卡全站仪对光伏发电基地沙丘移动速率以及典型电站积沙量进行了实地测量,并结合气象资料分析了风沙灾害形成的区域风沙环境特征。[结果]沙丘前移与风沙流遇阻后在太阳能板间形成积沙是该区风沙危害的主要表现形式:该区沙丘类型以新月形沙丘为主,移动速度达12.56m/a;在一面积99hm2、风沙灾害最为严重的光伏园区内,2016年2—4月3个月内上风向光伏板间积沙可达3 090m3;研究区属中能风沙环境,为单峰风况,起沙风以西风和西北西风为主,两组风向占年输沙势的92.1%。[结论]风力强劲、风旱同期等自然特点以及过度放牧导致的土地沙漠化提供沙源是该区风沙灾害的主要成因,亟需建立固沙与阻沙措施相结合的风沙灾害综合防治体系进行风沙灾害防治。
[Objective] To reveal the current situation of aeolian hazards in the photovoltaic industrial park of Gonghe Basin, Qinghai Province, and to analyze the causes and thus to put forward specific control mea-sures.[Methods] Dune migration rate and the current situation of aeolian hazards such as sand accumulation amount were measured by Leica total station, and meteorological data were used to analyze the characteristics of regional aeolian environment.[Results] Dune migration and sand accumulation between solar panels were two main patterns of aeolian sand disaster in the study area where dunes were mainly composed of barchans. Sand dunes moved in a rate of 12.56 m/a in the study area. In a photovoltaic garden(99 hm2 in area) suffering from severe aeolian sand disaster, the accumulated sand between solar panels could reach 3 090 m3 during February to April of 2016. The study area belongs to the medium level of aeolian environment with two main prevail sand-driving wind directions of west and north west, which accounted for 92.1% of the annual drift potential.[Conclusion] The strong wind energy, the features of windy and dry weather presenting in the same period and the strong desertification result in the serious aeolian sand disaster in the study area. Hence, a comprehensive sand-control system should be quickly established to combat the aeolian sand disaster.
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
photovoltaic industry
aeolian sand disaster
control measures
Gonghe Basin