
马克思论货币(下) 被引量:5

Marx on Money(Part 2)
摘要 货币理论是马克思主义政治经济学最为重要和富有创见的理论部分之一。法国经济学家苏珊·德·布朗霍夫(Suzanne de Brunhoff)的《马克思论货币》(Marx on Money)是这个领域里一本非常重要的经典著作。在书中,她系统整理并研究了马克思在《资本论》中对货币问题的分析澄清了一些理论上的不清晰的地方,有重要的参考意义。本书的特点和优点是:(1)强调了马克思货币理论研究的整体性和逻辑性,这也为我们提供了一个从《资本论》三卷整体结构和逻辑来分析货币的研究框架;(2)揭示了马克思货币理论中将货币与资本主义生产结合在一起这一独特线索,向我们展示了一幅马克思货币理论内容的丰富画卷。全书分为两个部分。第一部分主要以《资本论》第一卷为基础,着重分析货币的"一般理论"和"完整理论",在对货币起源、本质和职能等方面的探讨中分析了马克思对货币问题的分析方法和逻辑结构。第二部分主要以《资本论》第二卷和第三卷为基础,将货币与资本主义经济相结合,通过论述货币与资本循环、资本积累和再生产之间的关系,为资本主义信用体系和金融发展提供了理论基础。本书于1973年以法语出版,1976年翻译成英文出版。本文以英文版为基础翻译而成。本刊分上下两期出版以飨读者,其中《马克思论货币(上)》已发表于《政治经济学评论》2017年第2期。希望本书的翻译工作能够有助于国内学者对马克思货币理论的研究和思考,更好地发展和创新马克思主义政治经济学。 Monetary theory is one of the most important theoretical parts of Marxist political economy.The French economist Suzanne De Brunhoff’s Marx on Money,published in1973,provides a reference for us to study Marxist monetary theory.She systematically studied Marx’s analysis of monetary problems in Capital:first of all to solve the possible confusion of people—why Marx take commodities and money which at first appear not to have a capitalist context as the starting point;secondly,it emphasizes the integrity and logic of Marx’s theory of monetary theory,which also provides us with an analysis of the whole structure and logic of the three volumes of Capital;finally,it reveals an unique clue to the combination of money and capitalist production in Marx’s theory of money,and shows us a rich picture of Marxist monetary theory.The whole book is divided into two parts.The first part is mainly based on the first volume of Capital,focusing on the analysis of the'general theory'and'complete theory'of money.In the discussion of the origin,essence and function of money,this part analyzes Marx’s analysis method and logical structure of monetary problem.The second part is mainly based on the second and third volumes of Capital,combining money and the capitalist economy.By discussing the relationship between money and capital circulation,capital accumulation and reproduction,it provides a theoretical basis for the capitalist credit system and financial development.This book was published in French in 1973,translated into English in 1976,printed in English again in 2015.This article is based on the English version and will be presented to readers in two parts.Marx on Money(Part one)was published on volume two of China Review of Political Economy in 2017.We hope that the translation work of this book will help domestic scholars to study,develop and innovate Marxist political economy better.
作者 苏珊.德.布朗霍夫 王娜 金梦迪 Suzanne de Brunhoff Wang Na Jin Mengdi(College of Marxism, China Agricultural University School of Economics, Renmin Uni versity of China.)
出处 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期171-224,共54页 China Review of Political Economy
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(编号:2017RW006 2017RW050)资助
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