
清代前期台湾内外洋划分与水师辖区——中国对钓鱼岛的管辖权补证 被引量:6

Inner and Outer Area Division in Taiwan and Naval Administrative Regions in Early Qing Dynasty——Further Proof of China's Jurisdiction over Diaoyu Islands
摘要 如同中国沿海各省各府一样,清代前期福建台湾府不仅按照朝廷旨意,严格划分了内洋与外洋,明确了水师官兵的水陆汛地,而且建立了比较严格的巡逻会哨制度。凡是靠近台湾府和澎湖厅治所所在岛屿(台湾岛和澎湖岛)岛岸的岛屿和洋面均被划入内洋,纳入文武官员共同的管辖范围;凡是远离台湾府和澎湖厅治所所在岛屿(台湾岛和澎湖岛)岛岸的岛屿和洋面均被划入外洋,由水师官兵负责巡洋会哨。台湾海峡在清代前期已经形成了"两纵八横"的海道网络。水师的管辖范围大致包括台湾海峡全部水域和台湾岛周围海道以内的内外洋水域。台湾南面的琉球屿、七星岩,东面的兰屿(红头屿)、绿岛(火烧屿),北面的鸡笼、花瓶屿、棉花屿、钓鱼台等作为商船、渔船、兵船或海匪船只的临时港口及其所在洋面是清代环台湾海道的重要组成部分,已经被纳入清军水师巡哨、管控范围。 In the early Qing Dynasty, according to the will of the royal court, the Taiwan Prefecture in Fujian, together with other coastal regions of China, strictly divided the inner and outer areas, and clarified the garrisoned land and water areas for naval units. It established a fairly strict scout system. The islets and the waters close to the islands of Taiwan and Penghu, where their capitals were situated, were named the inner areas and were in the joint jurisdiction of civil officials and military officers. On the other hand, the islets and the waters far off the Taiwan Island and Penghu Island were the outer areas and were under naval administration with a scout system. A network of "two vertical and eight horizontal" seaways was alread- y formed in the Taiwan Strait at that time. The naval administration covered the waters in the Strait and within the seaways a- round the Taiwan Island. The Ryukyu Island and Qixing Rock to the south of Taiwan, the Orchid Island ( Red-head Island ) and the Green Island (Huoshaoyu Island) to the east, and Kelang, HuapingYu, MienhuaYu and Diaoyutai islands to the north served as temporary ports for merchant ships, fishing boats, naval vessels and pirate ships. The waters in those areas were an important part of the sea road around Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, were within the scout range and under control of the Qing Navy.
作者 王宏斌 Wang Hongbin(School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 05002)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2017年第3期76-93,共18页 Military History Research
基金 2016年国家社会科学基金重点项目"清代近海管辖权研究与资料整理"(16AZS008) 2014年河北省教育厅人文社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"清代内洋与外洋的划分及其管辖权"(ZD201422)
关键词 清代前期 台湾府 内洋 外洋 海道 清军水师 钓鱼岛 the early Qing Dynasty Taiwan Prefecture inner areas outer areas seaway the Qing Navy Diaoyu Islands
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