针对温度高达200℃时测井仪器与地面系统间通讯的可靠性与实时性问题,应用1种可显著降低封装热阻的封装技术,从系统硬件结构、热仿真设计、等效热阻计算等环节进行关键设计,实现了1种耐温最高可达200℃的以DSP+FPGA为基本构架的高速数据处理系统级封装(system in package,SiP)器件,并以该数据处理系统级封装器件所构成的1553B总线编解码通讯电路为硬件平台,在不同测试温度进行测试,结果表明,所设计的器件能很好地实现在高达200℃的高温环境中的数据处理功能。
Aiming at the reliability and real-time problem of communication between logging tools and the ground system in high temperature environment of up to 200℃, the design of system in package (SiP) is given from the system hardware structure, thermal simulation design and equivalent thermal resistance calculation. Beside, we apply the packaging technology which can sig-nificantly reduce the package thermal resistance to design and implement a high speed data processing system in package devices which can reach 200 ℃ atmost. DSP+FPGA is selected as its basic frame work. The data processing SiP device is developed on the 1553B bus communication circuit and texted under different temperatures. The experiment results indicate that the designed device can realize the data processing function in high temperature environment up to 200℃.
China Sciencepaper