农村劳动力流动和转移是农村反贫困的重要路径之一,对缓解农村贫困有重要的作用。本文以甘肃省1 749个农户的调研数据为研究样本,在描述性统计分析的基础之上提出关于劳动力流动和贫困之间关系的四个假设。针对提出的假设,本文采用Double-log模型对农户收入进行弹性分析,发现农户家庭外出务工劳动力对农户家庭人均收入有显著的正向作用,进一步应用Probit模型对影响农户家庭劳动力流动的因素进行回归分析,发现外出劳动力的年龄、性别、职业、受教育程度、健康状况及工作地点和主要技能等对劳动力流动有重要的直接影响且间接地影响家庭的贫困状况,进而直接或间接地对所提出的假设进行了证明。劳动力流动与贫困之间存在双向关系,务工收入是农户家庭的主要收入来源。因此,劳动力流动对于减少农村贫困发生率,促进农业生产要素的合理配置和缓解农村生态贫困等都有积极作用。
Rural labor mobility and transfer to alleviate rural poverty has an important role, and become one of the important path of rural anti-poverty. Based on the survey data of 1749 farmers in Gansu province as the research sample, on the basis of the descriptive statistics analysis is put forward four assumptions about the relationship between labor migration and poor. In view of the proposed hypothesis, this paper adopts Double-log model has carried on the elastic analysis to the income of farmers, found that the rural labor force of farm households has a significant positive effect on per capita income of farm household, and using the probit model for the further application of factors, which affect the flow of farm workers in regression analysis, found out the labor of the age, sex, occupation, level of education, health and working location and main skills of labor mobility has important influence directly, and indirecdy affect the family' s poverty, which directly or indirectly to prove that the proposed hypothesis. The final conclusion of this article thinks there is a two-way relationship between labor migration and poverty, and rural income is the main source of income of farm household, as a result, labor mobility to reduce rural poverty rate, promote the reasonable allocation of agricultural production factors and alleviate rural ecological poverty has a positive role.
Population Journal
Rural Labor, Migration, Rural Poverty