采用Falcon离心分选机对湖北某胶磷矿进行分选试验,以精矿、尾矿品位为评价指标,探讨不同操作参数对试验结果的影响,并得出理想的操作参数。结果表明,随着转动频率增加,精矿品位和尾矿品位先增加后降低;随着反冲水压增加,精矿品位先降低后增加,尾矿品位则相反;随着给料矿浆质量分数增大,精矿品位和尾矿品位变化不明显。根据Design-expert系统设计的二次方模型置信度分析,反冲水压对精矿品位影响较大,转动频率对尾矿品位影响较大。经试验结果分析得出,胶磷矿分选效果较好的参数范围是:入料矿浆质量分数10%,转动频率15Hz,反冲水压0.055 MPa。
Separation test on a eollophanite in Hubei was conducted using the Falcon centrifugal separator to study the influence of various operating parameters on the test results and to obtain the ideal operation parameters with the grades of concentrate and railings as the evaluation index. The results showed that with the increase of rotation frequency, the concentrate grade and tailing grade first increased and then decreased and with the increase of recoil water pressure, concentrate grade first decreased and then increased. The railings grade is opposite. With the increase of the feed slurry concentration, the change of concentrate grade and tailing grade were not obvious. According to the analysis of quadratic model confidence in the design of design-expert system, the recoil water pressure had a significant impact on the concentrate grade and the rotation frequency had a great impact on the tailings grade. The analysis of the test results indicates that the range of optimum parameters for the separation of coliophanite is the feed slurry concentration at 10%, the rotation frequency 15 Hz and the recoil water pressure 0. 055 MPa.
Industrial Minerals & Processing