VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds)是一类对环境和人类产生严重危害的废气。本文综述了目前国内外各项VOCs处理技术的原理应用及其优缺点,并重点介绍吸附法、吸收法、膜分离法、催化燃烧法、光催化氧化以及低温等离子体等治理技术,并对其优缺点进行了述评。
VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) is a kind of waste gas which is extremely harmful to environment and human being. In the current paper, the principles, applications, advantages and disadvantages of various domestic and oversea up-to-date control and treatment techniques of VOCs were reviewed. The adsorption method, absorption method, membrane separation, catalytic combustion, photocatalytic oxidation and low temperature plasma technique were introduced emphatically, and the corresponding advantages and dis-advantages of the methods were also reviewed.
Environment & Development