在对垃圾渗滤液常规处理出水水质特性进行系统分析的基础上,提出了臭氧-曝气生物滤池联合工艺,并考察了该工艺长期运行效果、工艺参数和影响因素。结果表明,当臭氧的加入量在150 mg/L,水力负荷为0.25 m3/(m3·h)时,出水COD和氨氮分别小于80 mg/L和6 mg/L,出水水质达到《生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准》(GB16889-2008)表2标准的要求,且不存在二次污染问题。
Based on the systematic analysis of the Landfill Leachate, the combined process of Pre-Ozonation(O3)-Biological Aerated Fiher(BAF) was established for the advanced treatment of Landfill Leachate. Biodegradable analysis was employed to assess the quality for the water in the research of operation characteristics of O3-BAF process and impact factors. The result showed that: COD and NH3-N of the effluent could be lower than 80 mg/L and 6 mg/L, when the ozone dosage of 150 mg/L, BAF hydraulic of 0.25 m3/(m3.h), respectively. The effluent quality can meet the Standard for Pollution Control on the Landfill Site for Domestic Waste (GB21900-2008 Tab.2). Meanwhile, there is no secondary pollution.
Guangdong Chemical Industry