用电渗析技术对低浓度微酸性 L-谷氨酸 -水物系的分离进行了可行性研究。在实验条件下 ,氨基酸溶液经多次循环 ,浓相达饱和浓度 0 .0 5 mol/L,稀相出料 COD值小于 1 0 0 mg/L,达到排放标准 。
This feasibility to treat slightly acetic L glutamic acid water by electrodialysis was studied on lab . The deacidification rate is more than 97% under the given conditions. Through cyclic operations, the concentrated solution reached saturated and the COD of the diluted solution was less than 100 mg/L which meets the discharge standard. The models describing the equipment characteristics are given.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology